Coding Crossroads


Welcome to Coding Crossroads.

Join me on the ultimate journey from trucker to web developer.

Explore my coding bootcamp adventures, self-taught insights, and the twists and turns of my tech evolution. Fasten your seatbelt – the road to web mastery starts here!

blog post

From Front-End to PHP: My Journey into the Unknown

Step into my shoes as I recount the highs and lows of my debut week diving into PHP development. From nerve-wracking moments to triumphant breakthroughs, this blog post is a down-to-earth tale of my journey into the PHP and SQL universe.

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13 April 2024

First Dev Role


Michal Zawadzki

blog post

Reflections of a Lorry Driver: Navigating the Road to Change

Join me on a reflective journey as I share insights from my time as a lorry driver. Discover how this chapter paved the way for new beginnings and a pursuit of dreams.

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9 April 2024



Michal Zawadzki

blog post

From Dream to Reality: My Journey to Becoming a Software Developer

oin me as I recount the remarkable journey from dreaming of a career in software development to making it a reality in this heartfelt blog post. From the challenges of transitioning from trucking to tech to the excitement of joining a dynamic organization, this post offers a candid look at my experiences and reflections.

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9 April 2024



Michal Zawadzki

blog post

Roadblocks and Code Blocks: A Career Changer’s Tale

Discover the raw and honest account of one individual’s journey from being a lorry driver to pursuing a career in software engineering. Join me as I delve into the challenges, setbacks, and triumphs along the way.

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22 March 2024



Michal Zawadzki

blog post

New Year’s Resolutions: A January Retrospective and What’s Next

February’s here, and it’s time for a quick look back at my January promises. Did I stick to them? Plus, I’ve got some new plans for this month. Check out my story – it’s been quite a journey so far!

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2 February 2024



Michal Zawadzki

blog post

From Trucks to Tiles: My Unlikely Journey into Tiling

Read my story of how I took a big risk and got into debt, trying to be a self-employed tiler with no experience at all. Was it a mistake? Or maybe not?

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25 January 2024



Michal Zawadzki

blog post

The School of Code Way

Join me as I share my eye-opening experiences at the School of Code bootcamp. This post is not about coding. It’s about embracing a unique learning approach that blends agile methodologies, teamwork, and personal growth. From drafting our team's agile manifesto to engaging in challenging projects, I uncover the dynamic and innovative spirit of the School of Code. Get ready for an inspiring read that goes well beyond the code.

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15 January 2024

Web Development



Michal Zawadzki

blog post

C4 Model: Telling the Story of Your Software

Unveiling the C4 Model: Where Code Meets Storytelling. Dive in with me as I explore how this simple framework can revolutionize the way you talk about your tech projects. This is my first post where I share insights on tech interviews and delve into the architectural structure of a project, combining technical expertise with the art of storytelling.

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13 January 2024



Michal Zawadzki

blog post

Starting to Code: The Warm Welcome of Tech’s Mentorship Culture

Embark on my personal journey from the world of truck driving to the realm of web development. In this blog post, I share my experiences of the supportive tech community, the life-changing role of my mentors, and my transformative time at the School of Code. Discover how the kindness and guidance of experienced developers have been crucial in shaping my new career path in tech.

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12 January 2024



Michal Zawadzki

blog post

Junior Developers Dirty Little Secret

Discover the untold truth about junior developers in this eye-opening post. Dive into the real challenges of coding beyond tutorials, the journey of integrating new features, and the triumph of learning through doing. A must-read for anyone interested in the behind-the-scenes of programming!

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8 January 2024

Web Development


Michal Zawadzki

blog post

Michal, But Why?

Find out why I took a big risk in tech during a tough year. ‘Michal, But Why?’ is my story of a hard choice, chasing a dream with no guarantees, and how it affected my family. A journey of hope and courage in uncertain times.

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7 January 2024



Michal Zawadzki

blog post

Welcome to Coding Crossroads! My Journey from Truck Driver to Programmer

Hi, I'm Michal. Welcome to my blog, 'Coding Crossroads'. Here, I talk about my journey from working as a truck driver in Derby to becoming full time web developer (hopefully!). In my first post, I share my story - starting from my life in Kraków, Poland, to all the different jobs I've had in the UK, and now my exciting steps into the tech world. It's all about trying new things, figuring out work and family life, and having adventures in the world of Tech. Let's go on this journey together.

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5 January 2024



Michal Zawadzki