Coding Crossroads

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Welcome to Coding Crossroads! My Journey from Truck Driver to Programmer

Hi there!

My name is Michał, a 35-year-old happily married man and father of two wonderful children: Martynka, who's turning 5 next Monday, and Kuba, almost three. My life journey began in Kraków, Poland, where I studied law for four years. However, life often writes its own scripts, and mine took me all the way to Derby in the UK.

Ten years ago, seeking change and independence, I decided to leave Poland. It was supposed to be just a brief adventure, but as it often happens, "brief" turned into a decade. My story in England is a tale for another time, but right now, I'd like to share a crucial chapter of this story - my path to becoming a web developer.

I've been fascinated with programming since my teenage years, editing game bots' code and installing custom systems on the first Android phones. My formal journey into programming started earnestly in 2023, though I had been dabbling and experimenting with coding since 2017.

Upon arriving in England, my career started from scratch. The first four years were spent working in a warehouse, then five years driving trucks. These experiences were more than just jobs; they were life lessons. I then ran my own bathroom renovation and tiling business for two years, learning the ropes of management and entrepreneurship.

After all these diverse experiences, my career has hit another crossroads. The past six months have been dedicated solely to learning programming. I completed a 16-week bootcamp at the School of Code, training to be a full-stack web developer. I'm now working on projects, learning new technologies, and still truck driving on weekends to support my family.

That's why I've named my blog "Coding Crossroads." It's a symbolic reflection of my life journey - from a truck driver to an aspiring programmer. This blog is about change, growth, and making bold decisions.

On this blog, I'll share my experiences, successes, and challenges. I'll tell you about the hardships of changing careers, the job market in the tech industry, and my thoughts on the vast world of IT.

But this blog isn't just about work. It's also about life, balancing professional ambitions with family, and the everyday joys and challenges. It's about how a person, despite many obstacles, follows their heart.

I invite you to follow my posts, join in the discussion, and share your stories and experiences. Are you at a similar crossroads? Thinking about changing careers? Or are you just curious about the life of a web developer?

Join me on this journey at Let's meet at the crossroads!

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