Coding Crossroads

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Reflections of a Lorry Driver: Navigating the Road to Change

Hello, my friends. I trust you're doing well.

Tonight marks a big moment as I might be finishing my last run as a lorry driver.

In this post, I want to share my thoughts on my time as a lorry driver. Expect some real talk with insights and musings.

I've had my license for about seven years now, driving for five of them. Each year brought a different perspective. At first, I struggled with the stress of being new and not knowing much about UK roads. But over time, I got better at driving and navigating.

Switching from working in a warehouse to driving lorries was like a big change. Starting my day in the transport office, getting my keys and run sheet, gave me a sense of independence. But after a while, I felt like I needed something new.

Being a lorry driver offers flexibility—you can start work at different times to fit around family life. But staying focused during long hours, week after week, is tough.

Being a lorry driver has its perks: freedom, flexibility, and the chance to listen to podcasts while working. But there are downsides too: long hours, uncertainty, and not many chances to move up.

Looking back, I'm thankful for my time as a lorry driver. It gave me the flexibility to manage family responsibilities and paved the way for my dream of becoming a software developer.

Would I recommend this job? It's hard to say. While it may not be the best fit for dads and husbands, it taught me that with determination, you can learn any skill.

As one chapter ends, I'm excited to see what's next. Stick around for my next blog post, where I'll reveal what the future holds.

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